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Sedge requires only Docker with the Docker Compose plugin to work.

Checking dependencies

You can use sedge deps check to check if all the dependencies are installed and running.

sedge deps check

Installing dependencies

Using sedge deps install

If some of the dependencies are missing, you can install them using Sedge, provided you run the following command:

sedge deps install

With the above command, Sedge will install the required dependencies using predefined scripts.

Supported Linux flavours for dependency installation:

OSVersionsTested on last release
Ubuntu22.04, 21.10, 21.04, 20.0422.04, 20.04
Debian11, 10, 9, 811, 10
Fedora35, 34-
Amazon Linux 2--
Alpine3.15, 3.14, 3.14.3-

Using Docker official instructions

Check and follow the official instructions.

Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application with a GUI that comes with Docker Engine and Docker Compose (what Sedge needs). It is available on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. To install Docker Desktop follow the official instructions.


We are still using the classic Docker Engine setup and the Compose plugin for Sedge's dependency installation feature on Linux. This is because we found it more convenient for servers in the cloud. Also, installing Docker using specific instructions for every Linux distribution is still recommended. This may change in the future.