📄️ Cli
sedge cli run the setup tool on an interactive mode.
📄️ Clients
Running sedge clients will give you a list of supported clients for consensus, execution and validators.
📄️ Deps
Running sedge deps will allows you to check and install dependencies for needed to run Sedge.
📄️ Down
Running sedge down will stop and remove containers using the docker compose CLI.
📄️ Generate
Running sedge generate with the different sub commands will generate the docker-compose file that will be used to run the nodes.
📄️ Import key
Running sedge import-key will import validator keys from a directory following
📄️ Keys
Running sedge keys will generate the keystore folder.
📄️ Logs
Running sedge logs will get running container logs using docker compose CLI.
📄️ Networks
Running sedge networks will give you a list of supported networks
📄️ Run
Running sedge run will run all the services in the docker-compose.yml file under
📄️ Slashing Export
Running sedge slashing-export will export slashing protection data from the current validator client. The slashing protection data is a JSON file that meets with the EIP-3076 specification.
📄️ Slashing Import
Running sedge slashing-import will import slashing protection data to the current validator client. The slashing protection data is a JSON file that meets with the EIP-3076 specification.
📄️ Version
Running sedge version will give you the version you are running while using sedge.
📄️ Show
Running sedge show will give you some information about the containers created by Sedge for a specific sedge-data directory.
📄️ Lido Status
Running sedge lido-status will display detailed data for a single Lido Node Operator based on the provided rewards address.