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Lido Status

Running sedge lido-status will display detailed data for a single Lido Node Operator based on the provided rewards address. Including information on the node operator's status, queue details, bond and reward information, and any relevant alerts.



When using only the rewards address as input, the command will return the first node found to be associated with that address. However, rewards addresses can be linked to multiple node operator (NO) entries in CSM (e.g., due to the "change rewards address" functionality). If a rewards address is associated with multiple NOs, we recommend using the node operator ID flag (-i) to specify the appropriate node.

$ sedge lido-status -h
This command retrieves and displays the status and detailed information of Lido Node Operators.

This information includes:
- Node Operator ID.
- Keys and queue information: available for deposit (in the queue), stuck, refunded, exited, deposited.
- Bond and rewards information: total amount, amounts lower and higher than required, non-claimed rewards.

Valid args: reward address of Node Operator (rewards recipient)

sedge lido-status [flags] [args]

-n, --network string Target network. e.g. holesky, mainnet etc. (default "holesky")
--l Show detailed descriptions for each value
-i, --nodeID int Your Node Operator ID (optional) (default -1)
-h, --help help for lido-status

Global Flags:
--log-level string Set Log Level, e.g panic, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, trace (default "info")